It couldn't be simpler to do either!
The shadow looks a little darker in the first photo but that's the crappy lighting in my room for you. It will improve eventually, I promise! You can see the actual colour much better in the 2nd photo.
1. Collection 2000 'Volume Sensation' Clubbing Mascara in 'Black'
2. Barry M Shimmering Eye/Lip Pencil in '#1'
3. No17 Eyeliner Pencil in 'Onyx'
4. Rimmel Blusher in '004 Pink Rose'
5. Collection 2000 Dazzle Dust in '#11 Spellbound'
6. Collection 2000 Glam Crystals Gel Eye Liner in 'Rock Chick'
7. Miss Sporty Lipstick in '009 Innocence'
8. Barry M Glossy Tubes Lipgloss in '#4'
Best to wait to apply your foundation AFTER your eye make up in this instance because eye dusts tend to produce fall out and you'll just end up wiping your foundation off everytime you get a few specks of shadow on your face so save yourself the fuss and apply your facial makeup (foundation, concealer, etc) afterward.
Step One: BASE!
Start by applying a good base to your lids. I always reinforce this but especially for now as we're going to be working with eye dust and there's no way this stuff is going to stay on or stand a chance of looking vibrant without a good base! I use Barry M Creme Shimmer Eye/Lip pencils as my bases and they're excellent. Remember to smooth out with your finger if you are using creme shadows or pencils because they can make lumps in your shadow if you don't.
Once you have applied your base PAT the eye dust all over the eye lids with an eye shadow brush. (I used my MAC 239) It does help to have a slightly damp brush. Don't soak your brush, just spray it lightly with water. (You can find travel spray bottles at most drugstores. Just fill with water and you're good to go. Hey, it saves running to the tap!)
A soaking brush will cause your eye dust to mush up and go everywhere and may ruin your shadow! It is best to pick up your colour, spray lightly with water and then apply rather than spraying your brush first and then dipping it into the shadow. Mostly because doing it this way can ruin your shadow (it particularly ruins compact shadows if you aren't careful).
Don't try and pile all the colour on at once either (not unless you want a huge mess anyway) Go easy and layer it on until you've got the colour strength you want. In this case, we're going the whole way!
Step Two: Rock It
Next take the 'Rock Chick' gel eye liner and line the upper lash line. We're going for a thicker line because we want the glitter and colour to show boldly for a nice dramatic eye :)
Line your waterlines with a black eyeliner, apply mascara and lastly lipcolour to finish. I used Miss Sporty '009 Innocence' with Barry M Glossy Tubes '#4' over the top for my lip colour.
You can find some more lipsticks I recommend to go with this look below. DONE! Easy, wasn't it? :D
Full look (With lip colours used in product list and apologies for not being able to see the full prettiness of the glitter! Better pics next time, I promise!):
Cheap lipstick to match this look:
Rimmel 'Nude Pink'
Price: £3.99
Very cheap:
Natural Collection 'Candy Mist'
Price: £1.99