Feedback : The Rules Of My Blog

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Comments are on APPROVE ONLY which means I can and will reject any comment that I deem unfit to publish.

Comments that I deem unfit to publish include the following:

* Flaming/Abusive comments

* Spam/Advertising comments

* Comments from 'know it alls': I'm here to provide make up tips and tutorials. I will do this in my style, not yours. I fit my blogs in between a very busy lifestyle. Sometimes I might leave something out but I always always go back at a later point on ALL my blogs to review them and keep them as clear and accurate as possible. Leaving something out does not mean I know nothing or am stupid. Anyone who leaves a comment with a 'know it all attitude' won't get their comment approved. Simple.

* Stuck Up Comments: These include things along the lines of 'Hi, I'm a professional and I think your style is crap/you know nothing/your entries are wrong in this way/that way'. I write my entries in between a very busy lifestyle because, believe it or not, I have a life. If you feel my advice isn't as wonderful as that which you can offer then why don't you go away and make your own makeup blog? Your snooty nose is not welcome to poke itself around here. If there is one thing I really can not stand is makeup snobs who are so unsatisfied and bored with their lives that they feel they have the right to put others down and put themselves on a pedestal. Pathetic.


You are free to offer constructive criticism. You are not free to tell me what to do and you are not free to criticize me or my makeup skills in a nasty manner.

I am not going to bite anyone's head off for offering me ways in which I can improve my blog. My course at university required me to put my own writing up to be critiqued all the time so I'm very accepting of constructive criticism. I enjoy receiving it because it helps me so please don't be afraid to voice your thoughts. Just be reminded again that flaming/abusive comments won't be approved.

If you break these rules your comments will not be approved. Simple as that.